I’m fairly new to the working world, and never went to any of these types of events. I’ve been working in the sales industry and we’re trying to set up face to face meetings with clients when my CEO and manager come to town to just have a casual chat (like after work drinks or coffee?) – not at all sell them on anything. What do these meetings look like? What should I come prepared with? I’m so lost on how not to make it awkward because I’d have no idea what to say.

1 comment
  1. My guess would be that this would involve combining social chat with kind of a “soft-core” sales pitch. Maybe framed like “This is Just a chance to hear more how we can meet the client’s needs.” More relaxed than in the office–where it’s “get down to business”–but still basically a business/sales meeting.

    I think the usual rules of good conversation would apply: be a good listener, but volunteer a few things or points of your own. And be careful about what **not** to say–no profanity or questionable topics, of course, nothing too personal.

    Maybe just kind of take your cues from your manager and CEO? (You are the junior person here, after all). It’s also possible you won’t be expected to talk, or be able to get a word in edgewise. If that is the case, it will still be important to stay involved. Smiles, head nods, etc., being interested.

    If you’re comfortable with your manger, maybe you could ask them before the meeting?

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