Ok so I[24f] have been seeing this guy [26M] for about a month now. We get along quite well, see one another every weekend, and have really good physical chemistry.

Before sleeping together I did ask what he was looking for/his intentions and he responded, “I’ve always dated with the intentions of long term relationship”. Which looking back doesn’t give me much solace, just cuz it could be interpreted different ways.

Basically I’m wondering how I can find out if he is interested in me romantically, in like a relationship oriented kind of way or if he views us as more FWB. It’s just confusing cuz every time I leave hanging out with him I feel pretty confident that he likes me romantically, but then over the course of the week I second guess myself and then wonder how he feels about me 😓.

Would it be clingy or desperate looking to ask how he feels? I was thinking about just asking, “do you see this going in a more FWB direction or are you more interested in developing something romantic with me, and going towards a relationship?”.

Thank you to anyone for any advice and help!

  1. I mean, you asked him and he told you he only dates with the intentions of long term relationship. So…he is dating you with the intentions of long term relationship.

    I really don’t know how else you could interpret it. We tend to say things as they are.

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