American fellows, what do you think of immigrants trying to thrive in America (American Dream)?

  1. Legal immigrants I fully support and think it should be less expensive and time consuming a process for them to achieve naturalization. Illegal immigrants I do not support. Trafficked children, I think need a path to legal residency probably.

  2. Its obviously more difficult these days. But, immigrating to the states and working towards a better life is what our nation was built on. Wish them all the success.

  3. Realistically, it would be really hard for a poor person to immigrate here, so most likely, the people who come are rich to begin with

  4. Yes please! Best of luck to them, and I’m sorry that there’s such a vocal sect of Americans who think immigrants don’t belong.

  5. It’s a country of immigrants, always has been. And besides, half the time the immigrants do a better job at embodying American values than Americans do.

  6. I think people trying to thrive in any country is a good thing. Much better than people trying to fail.

  7. I love seeing stories of immigrants who come here and find success. You’ll find no bigger patriot than an immigrant.

    We need to make it easier for talented people to come here. It’s still very difficult.

  8. The only beef that 98% of people have with immigration is when it is illegal.

    People labeling American as immigrant haters are just liars who are doing that to cover up their own support of illegal immigration, which in itself is driven by nothing except a hope for amnesty to change election demographics.

  9. We are 99% a country of immigrants. I see them as sharing a common set of values – wishing for the freedom and opportunities available here. As long as they are here legally (or with special refugee permission for example) and are contributing to our country in a positive way, I am glad to have them. Diversity can be a great thing!

  10. Good luck and god speed, welcome aboard. Let me know if I can help.

    That’s the American way as far as I understand it.

  11. They’re being productive members of society while trying to accomplish their desired lifestyle, so I am all for it. Ideally, being a place where you can come from nothing and improve your situation is part of what we stand for.

  12. Love it. Nothing about my country makes me more emotional (in the best way) than immigrant success.

  13. Good luck! I think I’m going to get my Irish passport and start living the Western European dream within the next few years…

  14. Go for it, as long as you go through the process to be here legally. Otherwise, go back to where you came from.

  15. That’s the ideal. We’re the country you’re supposed to go to for a better life without changing your religious or cultural beliefs.

  16. We get a lot of Indian immigrants where I’m at, and they do very well in entrepreneurial settings. They create a lot of jobs for locals, so it’s a win-win for everyone involved.

  17. I’m all for it. They make it interesting and I wish them the best of luck.

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