When I was in college I worked out a lot and was pretty toned. These days I’m basically too exhausted from work to really work out a lot. I’ve substituted going to the gym for running, tennis, baseball and swimming here and there. Which helps me stay in shape but doesn’t necessarily help me get the abs back. Swimming is definitely the best for definition but also the hardest to do because of access to a pool.

Any ideas about how to get the abs back? I’m slim now but no particular toned lol. I guess I’m wondering how to balance the sports I do with being tired and also busy (and I guess not having access to a dining hall). Any thoughts?

  1. Everyone has ABS. They are just hidden.
    You need to get pretty low body fat % for abs to be visible.

  2. You can’t spot reduce fat so getting toned if you are very active usually involves spot reducing portion sizes.

  3. 1. Reduce your fat percentage. Sounds like you’re taking care of the active part. But then you need to watch what you’re eating (don’t eat more calories than you burn).

    2. Add an ab routine – even crunches or sit-ups. This will help tone/increase the size of your ab muscles to help them show more. But if you do this, and don’t do #1 you’ll end up with that “fit 1-pack”.

  4. Weights! I was teetering two points from underweight trying to cut to get that toned look. No matter how thin I am, no matter how active, my arms and belly are fluffy and my ass was starting to sag (I’m almost 40 lol). Deadlifts, bench press, and add a few other personalized simple moves (I chose rows, overhead press, and dynamic yoga as add-ons…but whatever works for your body needs or goals).

    It did exactly what I was hoping for, and dude, it’s so easy. Takes 15 minutes, 20 tops, 3-4 times a week. You need an Olympic bar and some plates, or a cheap gym membership. Nothing has gotten me more solid, faster, than weights!

  5. I’ve been doing the 21 day fix for about 4 months now, although I’m. It doing the diet portion of the program. It has been helping me get back into shape, I lost some of my gut too, if you follow the diet and exercise strictly. You’ll get your abs back for sure, my wife did it years ago and lost a ton of weight and had those sexy abs on her too, all this was before we had kids,

    I’m diabetic so I need some fat on me and reall it’s all in my belly, but I lost some of it but I got a lot of scar tissue and so it’s been hard to lose that

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