So I had a appointment with the police this coming Saturday, and I got really scared and panicked so my gf offered to stay with me for 2 weeks (the week before and the week after) to help me. I was so panicked I agreed.

She came 3 days earlier than I expected so it’s been 6 days and I just got word from the police that I don’t have to go because the case has been dismissed. Which is great but my gf is still staying and my social battery is getting really low. Our relationship has been going really fast and I feel I need a little breathing room.
I’m sorry for if this didn’t make much sense, I have autism and explaining how I feel is hard.

Edit: I felt I should add, my place is a one room apartment, there is no real privacy.

Tl;Dr gf wants to stay for 2 weeks but my social battery is getting low and I don’t know if I can keep going.

  1. Dang…it sounds like she really wanted to move in with you.

    Anyways, just tell her that since the case is dismissed, you’d like her to go home now. No shame at all in being straight up.

  2. Hi, I can understand that you don’t want to hurt her feeling. But it is really important that you are honest to her. If not, you will damage your relationship in the long-term.

    You can just tell her what the situation about. You love spending time with her, but you need also time for yourself. Tell her that your social battery is low and that is not about her behaving or your feeling for her. And you can also tell her when you want to see her again. That shows her, that you like to meet, but not the whole time.

  3. I think you just need to nicely text or say to her, I love having you around but right now I’m so overwhelmed that I thought having you around would be relief but it’s stressing me out more. I need to deal with this issue at hand before I can be around you because I’m a nervous wreck and I need some time to myself. Love you.

    Make sure you say love you.

  4. Tell her your social battery is getting low and you need some alone time for a while. There’s nothing wrong with needing alone time.

  5. “Hey, thanks so much for everything you’ve done for me. You’ve been a rock. I couldn’t have done this without you. Now that it’s over, I feeling completely drained. I feel like it’s taken a lot of me and I think I could really benefit with a little bit of alone time so I can get back in my usual headspace and get back to normal. Would you mind going home on (whatever day)? I know you were to stay until (whatever day) but that’d really help me.”

    Chances are she’s feeling a bit similar and will quietly be a little bit relieved you’ve said that. Remember, a good relationship is based on communication. You’ll be doing this weekly if you live together (“Fucking off upstairs, leave me alone for 2 hours”).

  6. In the future, don’t agree to something you don’t want. I understand your situation but it’s unlikely she comes out of this not feeling used.

  7. Why are u dating someone that u get tired of before even a week hits. If my boyfriend said hanging out with me for 6 days was just to much for him there would b no relationship

  8. Tell her exactly what you said in this post. Basically thanks so much for the help but I’m a person who needs alone time to recharge. It is nothing against you but I need my apt back to myself. If she cares about you she will understand. If she pitches a fit then she’s not someone who you should continue to be with.

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