So I have PCOS- I’m probably infertile and I don’t have a partner – so I’ll probably die alone surrounded by cats
Anyways; I’m triggered at work when somebody gets pregnant and we’re supposed to give money for a baby shower- like wtf – I don’t want to be included in stuff like that – it’s triggering for me. Yet when they organize a barbecue, I’m usually put to work on that day while everyone else at work can come together and connect-
I’m at point that when they add me to “gift for Karen’s Baby” wassap group, I just put it in unwanted messages and ignore it and then play dumb

  1. Normally its optional to give money they should try to make someone pay. I think you should talk to whoever normally organises it and talk to them about how you feel or at least that you don’t want added anymore

  2. Hi OP,

    That’s a tough situation–you have something that sounds painful to you, but yet it’s brought up pretty regularly–in an “isn’t this fun!” way–and at work where you feel forced to go along or at least “play dumb.”

    FWIW, I once had a co-worker who was in the same situation as yourself, and she felt the same way as you do.

    It sounds like you have two choices: Bring it up, or passively avoid it. I can understand you reluctance to bring it up at work, I think you’re probably right about “how it would look” and it would force you to make public something that is probable very personal to you. OTOH, it sucks to feel regularly triggered.

    People are taught to be very sensitive in today’s world and in today’s workplace, but things like this can still slip through the cracks.

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