I’m a 17yo hs senior. I recently moved to Canada and it’s been hard to make friends as a senior in hs when everyone already has their “group” and I get that they don’t want a random new kid in their group but I tried my best to put myself out there. I was nice to all the people I’ve met and I cared for them, tried to know them better but it just looks like no one give a flying fuck about me or making a new friend. Maybe they have too much going on? Idk. I joined 3 clubs and only made 2 friends both of whom are not in my grade. One of the clubs have all the popular ppl and they don’t give a shit about what me and my friend have to say about certain events/decisions. They don’t even try to be nice to us ffs. I tried so hard this year I’ve never been able to put myself out there so much during my early years of middle/high school and I made better friends then than have now. I was expecting ppl to be nicer/more welcoming since it’s CANADA but NO high school has the same people everywhere I fucking hate it here so much. My 2nd semester is gonna start on Monday and I’m gonna be with kids my age this semester since last sem I was placed with 11th graders. I’m so fucking tired of trying to make friends Idek if I should try again and make friends this semester or if should just stop caring and focus on my grades and shit cuz that worked so well last time.

(Sorry for the mini rant thanks reading)

1 comment
  1. Well if there arent any who open up, tough luck for you.

    The most welcoming groups are those who are “unpopular” bec they have usually the empathy for your situation. Maybe try that.

    The most drastic would be simply inviting yourself and just sitting yourself down with them (ofc ask beforehand) sometimes you have to do it “agressivly” bec many just assume youre doing good on your own and wont bother you.

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