Genital rubbing only. No penetration, no ejaculation. A lot of spit on penis while rubbing.

Her 12th Day, so fertile period. She took an I-Pill after 21 hours on January 26th. App shows her ovulation date to be January 28th.

Today, on Day 7 she had loose motions, headache, nausea, stomach ache and abrupt increase in heartbeat (many times throughout the day). White discharge since yesterday as well. No spotting or bleeding yet.

Can it be possible that these are signs of pregnancy?

We both are students. So I’m really freaking out. She has no idea about these pregnancy symptoms, or ovulation date, contraceptive failure. So I’m making sure she isn’t googling anything, to ensure that she remains stress-free so that her periods aren’t delayed.

  1. If you’re a young reading this comment – always use a condom. Always. Not worth the risk. “Never skip condom day.”

    Hell212, keep fucking around, and *happy father’s day* may one day be in your future, in the next 12 months. In fact, I’ll set a reddit bot right now to remind me in a year:

    RemindMe! 12 months

  2. It’s possible but extremely unlikely. A borken condom is statistically more likely than impregnation with precum trough genital rubbing

  3. Chances are she’s probably not pregnant because those symptoms can describe a wide range of things and there’s a lot you can pick up these days, from covid to the flu, etc. That said, a lot of other people have some good advice on here and rubbing genitals with fluids can also pose some risk.

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