Hello, I (24 M) have been dealing with a lot of relationship anxiety with my girlfriend (24 F) recently. I have voiced my concerns and why this is the way I can act, because of my previous relationships and what has happened which makes me think the same will happen. She has been extremely supportive about this situation and tells me it’s understandable. However, i’m afraid that if I keep acting this way, it’ll push her away like I have before. Any advice to help me move on from this anxiety and what I could do to help me out to stop being in this mindset?

TL;DR: would like some advice on how to deal with relationship anxiety I have been feeling for a while now

  1. What actions are you specifically doing in the relationship that show anxiety? If it’s small things, our brains tend to make a bigger deal of things then they actually are. Intrusive thoughts are hard to deal with. But if you’re actively doing stuff in the relationship that you feel like is harming it, then identify those areas and work on them. Overall, you gave her an opportunity to express if she’s bothered by your actions and she said no.

  2. Are you able to reframe your thoughts and consider that you will take care of yourself and be just fine should another relationship fails? It won’t be the end of the world and it’s normal to have a few relationships before you marry.

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