For those of you who have seen The Boys, what do you think about Starlight? (No spoilers please)

  1. It’s nice to see her not take the Boys and especially not take Homelander’s pyscho crap.

  2. I actually really like her. She’s tough but has her own weaknesses, and she has a backstory that a lot of women can relate to re her family/upbringing (no spoilers).

  3. I didn’t really like her the first season but she’s grown on me. Third season Starlight is pretty solid.

  4. She’s kind of annoying at times but she becomes really bad ass. She is also pretty flawed and does dumb shit on occasion, which I think saves her from the Mary sue trope that a lot of characters like her fall victim to. I like Maeve more than her though. You’ll see why. Keep watching the show…. ITS SO GOOD.

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