I am just curious because some people that I have met don’t get aroused by that and if I’m just doing it wrong how can I more efficient?

  1. Girls are almost like real people – they have a huge variety of interests, likes, dislikes.

    Some women love tit sucking. Some don’t. Some don’t care either way, or only like it at certain times, etc.

  2. It is variable. Some woman have to be aroused first, otherwise it just tickles. Others it triggers arousal. And some just hate it.

  3. Some yes and some don’t. I don’t care how you do it, but it does nothing for me.

  4. I never met a girl who didn’t like it at all but I’m sure there are some. Hypersensitivity in the nipples comes into it as well so you might have to go slowly at first and stroke and kiss other parts in the build up.

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