Before I start, apologies for the English, I tried my best with google translate!

So, I’ve met this girl on early December through Tinder. Due to family obligations and holidays, we had a first date the first week of January and it went really well.

Since then, we’ve had about 1 or 2 dates per week (movie, art expositions, bars, restaurants, axes throwing, basically, public places).

We have kissed but we didn’t go any further, mostly because of context, roommates, other plans or whatever (I’ll definitely plan the next date so we can have the option of going back to my/her place if the mood is there).


After the third date, I told her that I was off Tinder as we had a great time during each encounter and I was interested in getting to know her better. I also asked how she felt about it and if she was dating or talking with other guys.

Her answer was that no, she also stopped using the app and was definitely looking forward to more dates (which happened). But she also told me that she was looking for a “light” relationship (note she didn’t mention anything about fwb) and not a “serious” one.

To that I answered that it was fine, I personally prefer to know my partners better before committing to anything, be it casual sex or an actual relationship.

I did tell her that she was giving me more like “I’m looking for a boyfriend vibes” which was also the reason I took it slowly (she also seemed a bit shy at first) and she told me she didn’t realize that and apologized for the mixed signals.


Fast forward to Sunday night, we had a short evening date (I had a train to catch). We grabbed some drinks, talked about cats, life and cats. We got close to each other, kissed, etc.

And then, and this is the reason I’m writing this post, she told me she was throwing a small party at her house next Friday. It would be her roommates (her best-friend and her twin sister) and 3-4 friends from the city she is originally from(she moved here 5 months ago).

But the thing is, she told me world by word: “We wanted to invite a few friends for a house-warming party but because Valentine’s day is the week after, we also went for a Valentine’s themed party as we are all single. If you are free, I would really like you to come. Actually, we’re not all single, two of my friends are together but that’s it.”


And this is where I’m extremely confused: yeah, we didn’t really define what we are yet and it’s still early, but single is definitely not one of those things? At least not for me. I wouldn’t go on several dates with a girl, have text conversations with her on a daily basis to then have her say she is single.

Am I overthinking this? Maybe she is undecided? I’d like to hear what you think.


Also, I’m going to the party and I plan to jokingly tell her something about how single, unhappy and lonely we both look after I kiss her to greet her.

1 comment
  1. Don’t make that comment that you mentioned at the end – it sounds like a real mood killer bro. I don’t know why you’re confused if she invited you to this, she stated she wanted something light and fun right now and even invited you. Go with the flow and enjoy it.

    Btw you said you were okay with the “light” relationship but if you’re looking more deeply into this then maybe you really aren’t? Just my opinion.

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