How would you feel if your girlfriend sent you flowers on Valentine’s Day?

What would you think and how would you feel if your girlfriend sent you flowers on Valentine’s Day?

I (27 F) have never had a boyfriend (28
M) on Valentine’s Day before. I would like to make him feel special and loved but I have no idea how to. Do you have any ideas, please?

Would flowers be inappropriate for a man? Would you like to receive flowers from your girlfriend on Valentine’s Day? If yes, what type of flowers would still be masculine and appropriate for occasion?
Can anyone help me, please?

PS: We are long distance 3000 miles apart.. I sadly can’t see him on that day

  1. I would like to get flowers but in private. It would be generally taken as feminizing your man if done in public. If your man really values being a man he might find it insulting only you know how they act in private. I think it’s sweet but again I would like it if my gf gave it to me in private.

  2. There’s a few angles that depend on your local guy. Does he like flowers? Otherwise it might be a nothing gift. Public vs private was already mentioned. He might really want flowers but be embarrassed to receive them. Me, I don’t really care for flowers and would prefer chocolates.

    The most romantic gift, imo, would be the one that best shows how well you know him.

  3. I’d rather an intimate meal with you and your time. To me the flower gesture is nice but spending good quality time with you would be far more appreciated.

  4. Ignore this suggestion if you feel it’s inappropriate but…

    … men are typically quite visual.

    So how would you feel about sending him some tastefully sexy pictures, perhaps you wearing a red camisole (or other Valentine-themed intimate clothes)?

    Then wear those undergarments when you see him that evening.

    Just a thought.

    Of course, it has to be something that you are comfortable with.

  5. >I would like to make him feel special and loved but I have no idea how to.

    I am not trying to be facetious here, but honestly sex.

    Men like sex. If you want to go the extra mile.. a card.

    It really is that simple.

    EDIT: Don’t even bother with the card. If you insist, you can even just write/draw something out on a piece of paper, or go do something he likes together. But if it is really about showing him he is special and loved, it’s sex.

  6. Private or not, if bae gets me flowers, she’s getting a huge hug and a passionate kiss on the spot.

  7. Personally, no… but flowers just aren’t my thing. It’s like receiving a card over the holidays… it’s a nice gesture, I read it and then goes in the recycling.

    If I were to get something from a girl over valentines, I’d rather chocolate.

  8. I would say that women usually like more Flowers than men but if he likes it… Go for it.

    If it’s feminizing to recieve flowers… Only if he is insecure about it .I would be the happiest man on earth if I ever receive flowers and if anyone suggested me that is a feminizing thing I would be like “Bro, why you so insecure, I bench press 2x your weight you may be the girl here”.

    But that’s me that I’ve been hitting the gym since I was 14 and I don’t feel insecure about myself.

  9. I think that is a nice thing to do. You can also sent him a little basket of things he likes. Like favourite snacks, etc I don’t know what he is into.

  10. I wish i had a girlfriend to sent me flowers on valentine’s day, i wouldn’t mind it. Also Never had a valentine either.

  11. I’ve done this plenty of times and I’ve never had an issue with a guy getting upset about it. If a guy did, frankly they’d be not right for me anyway. If you want to do flowers, I typically just try to pick colors I know they like. You can learn about what different flowers mean, but unless your partner is into that kind of thing, it’s not going to matter.

    Some other options could be ordering dinner for them via whatever delivery app is available where they are, or even groceries if you both like to cook – you could order him the same ingredients you get for yourself and cook it “together.”

  12. Public vs. Private is a solid point, depends on your dynamic… my partner would like them but he’s very secure.

    What I did in college a few times for my long distance boyfriend, I would send a few sandwiches and cookies from Jimmy Johns to let him know I was thinking of him for holidays or when he was cramming for a big test… (this was before ubereats/grubhub/doordash so it was one of the only things I could get delivered to him on his campus, also it was before all the stuff about the owners having rough and weirdly aggressive politics). But I’m sure there’s something in his area that you know he likes…

    A pizza place near me does heart shaped pizzas, a sushi place does heart shaped fried tempura burritos, I’m sure there’s something that would be super cute.

  13. I would feel like this was a caring and attentive gesture that demonstrated her love for me. Guys don’t get flowers or gifts or compliments, so every once in awhile it would actually be nice if we did.

  14. I wouldn’t get my boyfriend flowers until I knew him better and we were in a relationship longer. In the early stages I would send a card and a gift card for a coffee place, or a store that he shops at, something along those lines. I’m older and have lived and learned. Wasted money and time that I could never get back. I’m not saying don’t send him flowers, I’m saying not now….maybe for a one year anniversary.

  15. I’ve (52m) received flowers at the office where I worked several times and enjoyed it each time. I like to show off and celebrate who I’m dating. I could care less what others think.

  16. I’m a long distance gf too! First, I’m all for getting your boyfriend cute gifts like flowers. You can also write him a letter telling him how much you appreciate him. He’ll be in a good mood all day after reading it. If you’re worried that he won’t like flowers at all, why not spice up your gift by giving him an edible arrangement made of chocolate covered fruit? After all, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

  17. Have you ever seen him in person? To answer the question I’d be cringed out by it. Then I’d wonder what caused her to send them. I am not him and neither is anyone on here. Send him what he likes not what society you or his family want him to like. The thought is what counts for real people anyway.

  18. If it’s an LDR relationship maybe instead of flowers, maybe some candies you know he really enjoys or a nice candle. Something small but thoughtful that he could get enjoyment/relaxation out of. I feel like flowers in particular are only really good if you know your s/o likes them and they can get pricey.

  19. i can’t speak for him, but i buy myself flowers twice every month so i’d suggest you go for it.

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