Do people dress up or come in casual?

I mean bigger dramatic theaters, the “established temples”, the world-class venues. Not amateur/independend/student theaters.

  1. Men in suits and tie are pretty rare, those who wear them are generally older than 60. Flashy cocktail- or long evening dresses for women are completely uncommon. Most people dress nicely, though, like button-up-shirts and/or jackets and chinos/nice pants or similar for men and nicer dresses or blouse-skirt/dress-pants for women. Jeans are not that common, but no longer frowned upon. Jeans/T-shirt/sneakers outfits are quite rare, but it wouldn’t be a problem. I think the state opera had a sign once, asking people to dress nicely, since nothing ever changed there, it might still be there.

    But the days when Leonard Bernstein was nearly denied entry into the Volksoper for the premiere of West Side Story, because he wasn’t wearing a tie, are long gone (someone of the staff apparently recognized him eventually and he was let in after all).

  2. No dress code as such in Ireland. I’d most people would dress smart casual but it wouldn’t be particularly odd for someone to wear jeans and a t-shirt or similar. Formal attire would be pretty rare but not unknown.

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