Do you guys feel weird hitting on a woman that is working, why or why not?

  1. Yeah, not the best time or place when she’s unable to leave and financially obligated to be nice.

  2. Just don’t do it. You’re pretty much holding them hostage. They are there to work. Not be hit on by every guy who can’t tell a nice gesture and politeness from flirting.

  3. In a subtle way isn’t bad but verbally flirting yeah, not trying to make anyone uncomfortable at work.

    Like pass your number to them ok but they can’t really reject you too sharply if they’re required to be nice.

  4. She’s helpless. She has no choice but to pretend I’m not a complete fkn creep

  5. Definitely not. I don’t hit on women and I think doing it to a women that’s working is even worse. She’s there to work not get flirted with.

  6. Yes, I never do unless she initiates. She is *paid* to be there. So it’s harder to tell whether she would ever want to be near you, or is just there because of employment.

  7. I generally don’t ‘hit on’ women. If she says something like ‘so do you have a girlfriend?’ I’ll leave my phone number.

  8. Generally steer clear from it but if you really want to, do it as a form of farewell. So like if they’re your server, just leave your number on the table after you pay. If they’re a barista, just give them a small compliment on your way out. When it’s any time before it’s usually uncomfortable because we can’t leave and feel obligated to reply.

  9. I feel like I’m wasting valuable work time by flirting with women so that’s why office relationships don’t work out.

  10. Hitting on? I don’t do it. Flirt with? Hells yeah. A little light hearted flirtation never hurt anyone.

  11. I didn’t see the word “on” in this question and was deeply concerned for a second.

    Anyways, leave working people alone.

  12. Not unless she’s clearly not interested or is too busy, at which point I stop immediately.

    But if I test the water and she’s clearly attracted to me and is enjoying talking to me, no problem.

  13. If it’s a coworker probably not because they’ll be honest with me. I only genuinely compliment a woman if I mean it if she’s not someone I know. I don’t push it farther than commenting on her appearance (i.e. Nice hair, cute nails, whatever. Just little stuff most men might not normally comment on) I rarely if ever give those out regardless, I can only really recall two maybe 3 instances. Most notably this gorgeous Black woman was working the first window and she had an incredible “Little Mermaid” styled redhead that she did herself. I can’t even describe how pretty she looked especially considering red hair is difficult to pull off in general. Especially something she dyed and did up all on her own. I had to give respect where it was due.

  14. It think it’s shitty to make moves on someone who is paid to be nice to you because they don’t always have the option to disengage and walk away. It’s a captive audience.

  15. Yes. Because she is working and shouldn’t have to deal with people hitting on her while she is trying to make a living

  16. I read someplace that women hate getting hit on at work and at the gym. Must suck to be a female trainer.

  17. Bullshit … I want to be hit on anywhere… at the gym or at work . Shit I don’t care if I’m at a funeral you can hit on me .

  18. When I think about how many other people have and will possibly hit on her I just don’t wanna add on to that.

    I also just don’t generally like being bothered at work for such reasons. So I just assume other people don’t either

  19. You can be subtle.
    I’m sure everyone has heard a success story or two.
    Once you get aggressive about it or lack the social awareness to realize when someone is uncomfortable does it become a problem.
    In most cases it’s probably bad though.

  20. I am a cashier, and I see quite a few men that look interesting, but usually I am so busy that I cant take time out to talk to them more. I would be thrilled if someone gave me their number, at least I could call or text them to get to know them better.

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