What’s a comment someone made about you when you were young that gives you major ick in hindsight?

  1. My mom’s coworker (probably in his 40s at the time) when I was 16: Your daughter is so beautiful. She’s so exotic.

  2. Once at my family cottage, I was relaxing on the speedboat in my swim suit and a male relative of my mom “jokingly” commented to my dad that I looked like “one of those girls in the ads that you wished came with the boat.”
    I was maybe 14 and he was in his 60s

  3. In a game of truth or dare. I was 7 and a guy said “I dare you to let me hump you”

    I didn’t know what that was. Lucky for me he chickened out so I never got traumatized but it coulda went BAD

  4. Being 14 and having my mom tell me I needed to go on a diet even though that would shrink my boobs.

  5. I was 11, standing against a wall with one leg bent at the knee, with my foot on the wall. Someone told me “don’t stand like that, that’s how hookers stand”. I was *eleven*.

  6. Your legs look good and the front mmmm. Referring to the fact that my pants were tights and since I’m thicker you can see my mound imprint. I was 12 and he was 29 or 30.

  7. A friend’s mom told my mom that I was shaped like a boy and therefore could not wear the same dancing class outfit as her daughter. Her daughter and I were both ten but her daughter already had breasts and hips. My mom agreed so I got a modified version of the outfit. I was confused but since then I learned that I do not have a body that people think of as feminine and it always makes me sad tbh. I am 36.

  8. Being told by my grandfather constantly from ages 9 until 17 that I would never find a boyfriend if I didn’t stop eating and making myself “tubby”

  9. When I was about 10 (or so, I don’t remember really), I was playing with my aunt and her friend with benefits of trickling each other while standing. I don’t remember why. The other day my aunt told me that her friend warned her that there was a moment when we were playing that my crotch touched his leg quickly. I remember being extremely ashamed not knowing what was I supposed to do. I don’t even know if it was icky or it had good intentions somehow but it was pretty embarrassing.

  10. That I was mature for my age. In elementary school. Now I know it was because I couldn’t count on my parents or trust them to keep me safe.

  11. just general adults commenting on my weight without holding back while I was like 10, a literal child.

    I’m now an adult and cannot imagine myself in any situation like that, even making a joke is too far. I struggled with a really bad body image/disordered eating etc… bc of those constant comments.

  12. Male high school teacher to me, a sophomore in high school….”You’re filling out nicely.”

  13. “Friends are friends, pals are pals, but buddies sleep together. So are you my buddy?”. This was said to me by a teacher who had moved to sit with me when we were traveling on a bus for a school trip when I was 15.

  14. When I was 6-8 the priest at our church would constant tell me how beautiful and good looking I was. He would stare at me for quite a long time and shake my hand a little too long sometimes. Nothing else ever happened but I mean I was 6 so I thought nothing of it really.

    Looking back im pretty sure that priest was a pedo

  15. One of our neighbours (elderly man in my memory, must have been at least 40), used to sing this song that was popular in his day whenever I encountered him at the local store. It was about how great it was to kiss a girl with [some of my looks]. I was 11. It did make me massively uncomfortable back then. I even fled the store once.

    But what gives me an ick in hindsight is that everyone at the store used to think it was funny. It was the 90s, but still.. Did they not see it was weird? Did they but were too polite towards the grownup?

  16. When I was 10 or 11, a friend’s dad told me I’d have no problem finding a boyfriend because men like “mixed babies”

  17. My grandpa always said I was mature for my age. I didn’t realize he was a creep until recently.

  18. “You’re so mature for your age.” said on several occasions by the 25 year old man that I got into a fwb type of situation with for 3 months before we got into an actual relationship two days after he turned 26. I was 16 at the time all that happened.

  19. I wore traditional clothing for my culture at this event, and these men came up to me and said, “you look like a bride, I would pay to marry you.” I was 10. Till this day, I have not gone back to that event.

  20. Two old men passed me walking down the street. “You’re gonna kill someone with those things!” Talking about my tits while I was walking. I was 11 or 12.

  21. When I was 9 my uncle whispered in my ear “it’s time you ask your mommy to get you a bra, I can see your little cupcakes growing in”

  22. I was sitting in a dress with my legs straight out propped up on a chair and a male relative commented, “Boy, your legs sure do go alllllll the way up, don’t they?”

    I was 9. He was in his 50s.

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