How would you describe yourself vs how your partner would describe you?

  1. I would describe myself as behind in life, mostly a failure, physically unattractive, but pretty smart. Definitely could and should be better in most ways.

    He would describe me as beautiful, intelligent, bettering myself by finishing my degree, kind, and good at helping people.

    I’m basing this off of how he’s described me to my face and how I’ve heard him describe me to others. Who knows why he perpetuates all those lies.

  2. I would describe myself as a pale skinned, introvert covered in burn and surgery scars physically and mentally , who only has breast because i had 3 kids.

    My husband calls me his Beautiful Princess, Goddess, Scatje (little treasure)

  3. I would describe myself as pretty outgoing but also won’t trust anyone. gorgeous ☝🏼, funny, and a good listener/advice-giver to anyone. smart but also a depressed-anxious mess lmao.

    I just asked him and he said that he sees me pretty much the same, expect he doesn’t think I’m outgoing at all and that I’m always very cold with people I don’t know.

  4. Me- a sad person who has lost herself and feels like she has no purpose. Feels like she has no one to support her in life. I give my all to everyone to get nothing return so I eventually just shut down and stop caring.

    Him- a rude/quiet girl who doesn’t care about anyone but herself. He’s actually said that so that’s how I know that lol

  5. I am average. Average looking, not too pretty but not unattractive either. I’m very goal oriented and not very social, I’m patient but can have a temper and lash out at others unfairly when I feel negatively about something. Not good at anything but not terrible at everything.

    Him: a absolutely stunning goddess with a strong will. Extremely driven and successful, caring and understanding, empathetic. Harsh when I need to be but it’s out of love, a good heart and a wonderful woman who deserves nothing but the best.

    And it’s the same the other way around. I think the world of him, just as he does me, but he doesn’t think of himself that way, just like me.

  6. Husband describes me as the strongest woman he has ever met, so on top of things and so loving and smart.

    I would describe myself as a paranoid type a piece of shit

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