I randomly met a woman and we hit it off and talked for a while. Turns out we know a lot of the same people, and I work with her ex-husband. He is a work friend different department, and they’ve been divorced for about 5 years. What the call on this one y’all?

  1. Are you….. friends with the ex-husband or just colleagues. Morally, who gives a shit. Then again some guys cling to the bro code. That’s going to be one weird Christmas party

  2. Friend-friend or just work-friend?

    Work friends are barely acquaintances, statute of limitations is zero unless they’re superiors or direct reports.

  3. 5 years…..I think the statute of limitations is over in pursuing her. Did they have kids together? If there are no kids, neither should be in each other’s lives and they should be no contact, anyway.

  4. They are divorced mate, I don’t think you have a problem, I would go for it. The work guy probably doesn’t give a shit anyway, and he doesn’t really have a say. If anything he should be pleased that his ex has met someone who he knows isn’t a dickhead

  5. Did she commit a crime? If not there’s not statute of limitations, do what you want.

  6. Check with him first out of common courtesy. While both of you are free to do what you want, showing respect to others goes a long way in the amount of respect you get shown in turn.

  7. Imo, you are asking the wrong question. I dont think there is a SOL with this type of thing. Its either ok or it isnt. And the fact that youre asking seems to indicate its probably ok.

  8. I mean be upfront with the ex-husband if you have some sort of respect for the guy. If not then, be prepared to take any backlash from the guy

  9. It’s worth talking to her ex. He knows what she is like after the “new” rubs off.

  10. what you are really asking is weather or not bro code applies here, if the guy is a bro, bro code says never, not a bro? no statute exists.

  11. Bro, 5 years divorced. It’s go time. But may want to consider mentioning to him you know her. Then let him talk about what happened.

    You will either find out they just weren’t compatible or she’s batshit crazy. Then go from there.b

  12. It sounds like you don’t really know this guy so I would say there is no statue of limitations it’s cool from the very start.

  13. Is this guy remarried or with someone? Bc if they are it helps a lot more. Also it will likely change whatever relationship you have. Not drastically probably though.

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