I (24M) have had a GF (24F) for 6 years. My friends who just got into a relationship just told me that they can have sex 6 times a day. I can barely go twice a day. Do I have a low sex drive??

It’s honestly making me feel insecure.

  1. Twice a day is way above average. Come back when you are down to once a week and ask again.

  2. >It’s honestly making me feel insecure.

    Why it’s who you are, as long as you and your partner are satisfied is all that matters. Besides friends tend to exaggerate when it comes to bragging about their sexlife.

  3. It’s irrelevant. As long as you have a compatible sex drive with your partner, that’s all that counts.

  4. No only that you have a higher sex drive than average but even if didn’t have it that’s not a reason to be insecure. Sexual desires don’t define you as an person nor do they detemrine your skills and commitment.

  5. Everyone’s different when it comes to sexual wants and needs. No, you don’t have a low sex drive. The worldwide average for healthy sexual couples is one to three times per *week*, not per day. You’re doing fine.

    Try not to compare yourself to others so easily. What they’re doing in the bedroom shouldn’t have any bearing on you or what makes you happy. 💜

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