I am 22(m) and i am thinking to ask out a girl that i met up a couple of times in outings with mutual friends.
The issue is that university exams have just started and both me and her will be busy. I was thinking to hit her up on text to let her know of my interest and ask if she would be interested to arrange a date once we are available after the exams.
I am skeptical if it wise to make a move and leave things inevitably cold for almost a month or just wait untill the exams are over and ask her out then ( and if she accepts) to arrange a date while things are still “fresh”.
I dont have any past experiences and this will be my first attempt approaching someone romantically.

Even by reading my post i can guess waiting is the better choice but i am curious about the feedback of others.
I also have no idea if she has any romantic interests in me. It is just that we have talked a lot all the times we have hung out and i enjoy our time a lot. So i am shooting my shoot here.

Thank you for your time

  1. If she’s interested in you now waiting won’t be a problem. If she’s not interested she’ll probably say she’s busy(which would be true).

    If you wait you could try to build some attraction and then ask, but things could also fizzle out.

    Personally I would ask now but maybe wait to see if someone wiser than me has better advice

  2. Ask now. Make your intentions clear.

    Rejection does suck. Not as much as wasting your time.

    The goal isn’t to put pressure on her. It’s to announce your intentions and intent to seek a meaningful relationship.

  3. When I was in college, I wanted zero distractions during exams. I wouldn’t have ever accepted a date with a new person. I’d wait but ….

  4. My guy, just ask her out to study over coffee or tea. Gives you a chance to get to know each other without the pressure of romance being the entire focus. Relax, you’re making it harder than it has to be 🙂

    Good luck!

  5. ask her if she wants to study together. not necessarily a date, just a hangout to get to be around each other

  6. I think you should wait it out and focus on your exams mate. It’d give you the freedom to go after her with a lot less on your mind. Plus if she’s really into you, she wouldn’t mind waiting a lil bit either.

  7. I don’t think waiting is the best idea.. But if she rejects you will that affect your studies?

  8. I would ask her out know, you could meet on a study break. Then text her when you guys are both off on spring break. It is a tough call

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