She never talked to me again after that and said she doesn’t wanna meet me anymore.

What happened? I’m so confused. She previously said she had extreme mood swings, maybe it’s her mood changing?

  1. It could be so many things…but she just wasn’t that into you in person. It sucks when people don’t give clear reasoning, but you’ll find another.

  2. It happens. Chemistry through the phone doesn’t always translate to chemistry in real life.

  3. Meet in real life, only to realise you don’t look anything like you do irl, and not a digital image. How you act, how you talk, how you even smell. Unless you want a penpal, this is the risk you run every time prior to meeting in person.

  4. This is why I always recommend meeting up as early as possible. I’d never do hours of video calls with someone I’ve yet to meet.

    Maybe 30min to an hour just as a very quick vibe check, but otherwise you learn so much from the in person interaction.

  5. It happens, unfortunately. Just means the chemistry wasn’t there, or your mannerisms or something about you physically didn’t work for her. Things like hygiene don’t come across in video calls btw, and I’ve definitely been on dates where I thought they were great and then met in person and their general hygiene was awful. I think it’s common enough that I feel like it’s worth mentioning.

  6. I was reading this book that talks about this problem. Because of the internet, people can talk to each other instantly and as a result, people are able to get closer to each other. This sounds super great, but this also sometimes creates a false sense of closeness, especially in the early stages of dating. You really don’t get to see how this person acts in certain situations over phone and video calls. The best way to gain that sense of closeness is ‘togetherness’ aka meeting up in real life.

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