Like if someone say they gonna call me ‘first thing’
What time would I reasonably expect the call?

EDIT: It was a BT engineer and he called me at 8:01am to turn up at my house at 8:19am

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  2. It depends on the situation, a friend saying this at the weekend might mean it will be their first task of the day once they’ve woken up, in which case it depends on when your friend usually gets ready to face the day. In a professional situation I would expect it to be the first thing they do once they start work, within the first half hour of their working day would be reasonable.

  3. If family, when they wake up / think you wake up, whichever is later. Could mean 7.30am.

    If business, at start of business hours. If they work in an office, probably 9am.

    If you give us enough information to answer this properly, it would be easier.

  4. I would expect 8 though I would probably check their hours of operation, plenty of customer service lines open at 8 but then I’ve had some couriers deliver stuff at 7am so wouldn’t be too shocked if it was that early.

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