what are some absolutely HEART WRENCHING movies that make you bawl every time you watch them?

  1. Terms of Endearment

    Steel Magnolias

    Dancer in the Dark

    Documentary: Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father (please don’t watch this more than once, if at all)

    Leaving Las Vegas

    Moana (sorry not sorry)

    Schindler’s List

    Less Than Zero

    I’m sure I can think of more….

  2. Coco 😭 the very end when we see the ofrenda. I had just lost my grandmother and wasn’t ready

  3. There’s a specific part in the film Greenland (Gerard Butler). When they get the alert to get to the military base, as they’re pulling out of the driveway, the neighbor across the street runs out with her daughter, the same age as their son. She’s crying and begging for them to take her with them, to save her. His wife and son are crying to take her. He’s saying they can’t because she will most likely get denied entry, and she’ll be left there by herself.

  4. so many. the ones that come to mind immediately are:
    the little princess (1995)
    a dogs journey
    a dogs purpose
    the art of racing in the rain
    honestly any dog movie and i’ll be a puddle of tears

  5. E.T – “I’ll be right here..” ~ Full on ugly cry, EVERYTIME!

    Boys Don’t Cry ~ Angry cry

    Land Before Time ~ The 80’s did us dirty with that one.

    Homeward Bound ~ Cat + waterfall = me becoming a waterfall

    School of Rock ~ The last performance scene, cause they rocked that shit! Happy cry.

    The Mask (the Rocky Dennis Story with Cher, Sam Elliot & Eric Stoltz) ~ Touching story, based on a real person. Gets you right in the feels.

    I need a hug…

  6. My girl, Sophie’s choice, the lovely bones, the boy in the striped pajamas, pay it forward, the virgin suicides.

  7. Fruitvale Station

    Pursuit of Happiness

    Forrest Gump

    The Holiday

    I Am Sam

    Big Hero 6 (made me cry like a baby too)


    The Color Purple

    …..I can’t think of my other

  8. All the dog movies….
    Marley and me…
    A dogs purpose…

    Don’t know why they just pull on the heart strings

  9. Steal Magnolias… Benjamin Buttons… schindlers list. Oh gosh umm Forest Gump (when Jenny dies)

  10. Bridge to Terabithia

    my little child heart couldn’t take it, and turns out my adult heart can’t either

  11. Me Before You, I Am Sam, The Green Mile, A Marriage Story, Blue Valentine, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Boys Don’t Cry, My Girl, etc

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