Today I found out that my ex friend with benefits posted sexual explicit videos of me/us on Twitter without my consent. A friend sent me screenshots of the posts, and the URL of the account, but it has been suspended. He had more than 50k followers. It was up for more than 2 months. The worst part is that he also posted pictures of my face that he stole from my profile, my nationality and other personal information. He also posted videos of other girls. I don’t know what to do, I’m scared that there are more videos out there. I live in a foreign country and I don’t speak the language fluently to report this to the police. I feel helpless, my life is ruined, what should I do?

  1. take pictures and screenshots of everything that you can. use google translate or and learn how to say “interpreter” in the language of the country you’re living in and report it to the police.

  2. If you live in a foreign country, and not a local, then you need to gather yourself and if possible find your nation’s embassy. not only can they be a middle man for you in regards to contacting with the local and/or national police but can assist with getting an interpreter and letting you know what rights you have and what you can expect.

    Furthermore most embassies have other resources available to their citizens to help assist. Please if this can help, consider utilizing your embassy if it’s available.

  3. Have you talked with your ex about this? I’m assuming so but if not that’s the first place I would start. If he doesn’t agree to remove everything and delete it threaten to go to the police. Is your ex also in SK are does he live somewhere else? There’s honestly not much you can do about the images being out except report if you ever see them on websites. You could also try reverse image searching them to find more sites.

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