I(M) met this girl and we instantly clicked and just after like 4-5 days of meeting, we started liking each other. 2 weeks into meeting we told each other that we like each other but she wants me to wait because she has recently come out of a relationship. She doesn’t want me to be a rebound and she doesn’t want her happiness to be dependant on someone else.
The problem is in this process of waiting, she is establishing boundaries which are ruining the bond we are having. This is ultimately destroying the bond. It almost feels like being helpless as I can see things are going south but I cannot do anything

edit – she wants to be with me in the future but not right now and she’s clearly stated that we’ll have a thing if I wait

  1. Let her know that and if you see things are already going south this early, just move on.

  2. > she wants to be with me in the future

    Say “sure thing, call me when you’re ready”. And then don’t text her again and go find someone else to date.

  3. Damn bro she thinks you’re a beta simp lol

    To be fair you are making beta simp moves

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