I’ve noticed more than ever how awkward I am..
I started college last year and everyone already has their friend groups and i just have a few people that i am talk to, but i’m back to feeling like i’m in highschool because i’m alone a lot for partner work because i’m no one’s “favourite”

I’m definitely the problem, everyone in my program is super kind they just have closer friends.

It sucks because i don’t have any close friends, i never have.. I’m an introvert but i would like to stop being SO isolated and learn how to talk to people without being weird or talking about myself so much because i don’t know what else to say.

I have ADHD so i tend to interrupt people a lot because i’m scared a thought will run away or i’m just impulsive but i’m working on that because I know it’s annoying.

I’ve been told i’m awkward a few times, i know i am for sure. If i don’t overspeak, i say nothing out of fear of looking dumb which makes me look rude and awkward lol.

Any advice on how to be less awkward or any social cue help is so welcome. It’s been a few years since i’ve had any sort of “group” of friends so i’ve lost any skills i had.

I need friends but i want to be more enjoyable to be around.

Thanks in advance 🙂

1 comment
  1. Something that works for me is asking questions with the goal of trying to learn more about them, their past, their interests, their goals. People love to talk about themselves. Ask them questions, listen to their responses, then try to ask additional questions relating to what they are talking about to dig further into the subject until the topic runs dry. Then dig for other things to talk about. If they are a good conversationalist, then they will ask you questions, too.

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