What are the most attractive things in a woman personality wise?

  1. General attraction: Kindness.
    Sexual attraction: she is aware and has embraced that she is a sexual being with desires and needs

  2. When she doesn’t lose her shit over little things and actually listens to your side of the story

  3. The most attractive personality trait for me is when a girl can just DO STUFF without much issue. I hate when girls are unsure of everything so they keep asking questions repeatedly so they can be 150% sure they’re making the right decisions. Or worse, when they get stuck so they just do nothing out of fear of unknowingly doing the wrong thing.

  4. That she sees things for what they are, and not for what they mean or represent.


    Ah…. she was something else….

  5. Definitely to be nice and kind beyond everything, a little obedient, and supportive in every way, it’s like a healing effect for man. Those are rare, and if you find them men, keep them

  6. Thoughtfulness. She is considerate of what you’re thinking or going through and shows appreciation for the things you do do. “She gives as much as she takes”

  7. Intellectual


    Being willing to agree to disagree or see her partner’s point of view


  8. Sense of humor. Being able to trash talk me or about someone that truly is annoying yet still have compassion for humans.

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