We dated for 2 years. It was by all means not a good relationship, very toxic. But he absolutely knew how to get me horny. He was sexy as hell, very dominant and possessive- he was able to trigger my deepest sexual phantasies.

We separated, and I recovered mentally. A few days ago we started texting and he asks me if he can fuck a girl for me? If I would be horny watching him have sex with someone else. It has been a phantasy of mine which I was too scared to live out in reality while we dated. The guy can do whatever he wants now that we separated, but it’s so hot to me that I can now watch.

The girl knows she’s being filmed and the video is shared. She’s just really into him.

Just wanted to check if anyone has had a similar experience and if there is anything I need to be careful of?

  1. My only trepidation for you is are you clear on both of their motives and everyone’s boundaries?

    You probably already know, but cuckquean is a term for this sexual desire.

  2. Has he mentioned having you getting further involved, i.e. being in the room or jumping in? If not I would not be surprised if that doesn’t happen at some point soon. Not trying to kink shame at all…do you. But be prepared to think about how far you want this to go.

  3. If you would enjoy it and everybody involved is on board, then hell yes GO FOR IT! I’m a possessive woman when it comes to my partners (now husband), so I don’t have personal experience. Just be careful knowing that this could throw your feelings for a spin. Seeing your ex pleasuring a woman could bring on some serious jealously or other unintended consequences.

  4. Do you think you can mentally handle this? Are there people you are dating this might create conflicts with? What if it progresses and he wants to do a threesome?

    In my experience these kinds of things create weird power dynamics that are too easy to get emotionally wrapped up into.

  5. If this is the ex from your post history from about a year ago, I would not do this or keep in contact. You said you have recovered mentally. I’d probably stay that way.

  6. It’s your damn ex.
    It’s weird that you even consider doing that.
    Do you have any selfrespect.
    You had a toxic relationship how do you know hes not toxic to the other woman?

    Are you in a new relationship?
    Why do you think so much and even Text with you ex?
    Do you really have to do everything on your “that could turn me on” checklist?

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