
So I (18 M) am a college student. I was walking around and I got stopped by someone. They were friendly and stuff, but they were a part of a bible study group. They asked me if I am a Christian, to which I said I was (I actually am). They then asked me some questions and asked if I wanted to join their group. I didn’t know what to say, so I said yes. However, I didn’t really feel like joining. I only said yes because I was lonely and wanted company (all my friends were busy and din’t want to hang out). I ended up having one session with them, but I don’t want to do a bible study. I’m a christian, but I don’t really want to do this. Now, they are expecting me to commit, but I want to tell them that I’m not really interested. How can I do this without letting them down or hurting their feelings.

TLDR- College christians asked me if I wanted to do a study session with them and I said yes because I was feeling lonely. I don’t really want to continue doing it, but I want to be as polite as possible.

  1. How about, “Thank you for inviting me to join the bible study group. I appreciate the offer, but after our session, I’ve realized that it’s not something I’m looking for at the moment. I still value my faith and will continue to practice it in my own way. I hope you can understand and respect my decision, and thank you again!”???

  2. You tell them that the group is not speaking to you the way you were hoping. You are grateful for the opportunity, but you are not able to commit to a bible study. You love the concept, but you have your own study you are currently working on, and you need to focus on that. Or just be honest. You were excited about the chance at new friends, but that you didn’t click with them.


    Your choice

  3. Ooooohhh boy lol, yeah you’re gonna need to learn how to say no to things especially in college.

    “No thanks I’m not interested.” You owe nothing to anyone. I know it can be hard but telling people to kick rocks in a polite way but it is an extremely valuable skill.

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