So here’s the situation. Staying at my girlfriend’s mum’s place and we had a few beers last night. I’ve gone for my morning business in the toilet, and then gone on to find a lack of a brush – and I’d say one is very much needed. What’s the acceptable approach here? Am I being given the green light to (quite literally) let shit lie? Or do I need to get creative?

I’ll sit here and await your inputs.

  1. Toilet brushes are gross. Use the cleaning products that are in the bathroom with some toilet paper and wash your hands properly afterwards.

  2. I’m very anti-brush. Fucking awful things. Never had anything that needed a brush. And, we’re a “busy” household.

    Father in law said we needed one…. Er, no. I don’t need a record of past shit battles.

    bit of spray, and loo roll, they come off easy. The odd time they haven’t, just added a little warm slightly soapy water.

    Can also use a dishwasher tablet. Just leave it in for a little bit, jobs a good one.

    I don’t see the need to wash the loo, then have to clean the thing I washed it with. It’s double the effort.

    And those bristles can be springy…. Spatter is a risk

  3. Wrap your hands in toilet paper and get physical.

    Although I presume you’re not still waiting patiently in the bathroom to see what advice Reddit gives you.

  4. I’m sure there are toothbrushes in the bathroom just make sure you give it a good rinse and wash it with toothpaste so their breath doesn’t smell of doings after the next brush…no one will ever know except your creator.

  5. i have managed without one for 10 years and my toilet sparkles .How , i buy a plastic bottle of bleach (cost 99p Lidl ) the one where you can pry off the plastic lid with the hole in it . When you have it empty just refill with water ( and maybe a dash of bleach from second bottle ) put the top back on ( nice tight fit ) Voila a squirty bottle of water powerful enough to clean any toilet .

  6. Reminds me of the Worst Week of my Life episode when Howard visits the in-laws and the goulash causes some issues. Whatever you do, do not throw it out the window. There is a conservatory below 😉

  7. Wait until you need a piss and piss the residue off. A good full bladder I find will provide sufficient pressure for most jobs.

  8. I don’t use a brush. I always just put a little bit of bleach down there and close the lid entirely.

  9. I always found the idea of a toilet brush disgusting

    Never grew up with one and never needed one. Just bang a bit of bleach down and go back in 10 minutes and it’ll be gone

    Rather than scrubbing at your shit then dropping shitty toilet water everywhere before putting literal shit on a stick in the corner to ferment, gross

  10. Genuine answer: Soak some rolled up toilet roll, apply to the shite, wait a few moments and flush again.

  11. Exit bathroom whistling cheerfully with newspaper under arm.

    Loudly exclaim “Give that ten of your earth-minutes” as you pass the future mother-in-law on the stairs.

  12. I feel like you should fold 4 pieces of toilet paper and drop them strategically into the bowl to cover the stains then get out of there

  13. Bit late now but as a pro tip for future use – if there’s no brush available (or even if there is…) lay some toilet paper down inside the bowl first before shittin.

  14. Smear some shit all over the bathroom and they won’t notice the skidmark on the toilet.

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