Has anything paranormal happened to you, if so, what kind?

  1. I have a split level ranch and while on top floor, I heard a curtain rod fall in the basement. Its a small tiny one that covers the shelf under the stairs. This requires lifting against gravity to come off. We have cats (fat ones) and they cant jump that high (it starts around 4.5 ft high). Somehow that fell on the floor. My wife was in kitchen and noone was downstairs.

    I cant explain it and no reason for it to come off, especially requiring lifting upwards for it to come off.

  2. Halloween night, when I was eight or nine, my mother drove us to a friend’s house to trick our treat with them. I got out of the car, and while my mother was getting my sister out of the back seat, I looked up in the air. Hovering almost directly overhead was something that looked like a passenger jet, there seemed to be engines hanging off the wings and it had a green light on one wing and a red light on the other, but there was no nose, the front of the object was even with the leading edge of the wings, and the tail was gently swaying back and forth.

    It almost looked like a giant manta ray.

    I started to say “Mom” to get her attention, but before I could speak, the tail began to wave faster, and the object suddenly darted forward, and I lost sight of it.

  3. No, because there is no such thing as ghosts, or psychics. There have been many open invitations for ANYONE that can prove even the slightest bit that either exists with an open reward of $10+ million. no one has ever be able to come close.

  4. Me and someone I was acquainted with saw a ghost once. It looked like a heavy tall man but with blurred features. Maybe he was wearing a brown coat of some kind. Like he was a game model that didn’t render fully. He appeared walking towards us out of nowhere, and similarly disappeared out of nowhere. To be clear, we both saw this figure materialize and then dematerialize spontaneously. There’s nowhere someone could have come from or disappeared to without us seeing.

    * We were both sober

    * I don’t have any diagnosed mental illness or brain trauma.

    * I was well rested, and she didn’t seem tired either

    * We weren’t very familiar with each other, making suggestion less likely

    * We weren’t attracted to each other, also making suggestion less likely

    * We were near an area historically used as a mass grave.

    * I have perfect vision. She didn’t wear glasses or contacts.

    Any alternative explanations are welcome.

  5. My mum thinks she and I saw a UFO while driving in the country

    It was all lit up, the places the lights were didn’t correspond to the structure of any aircraft I’ve ever seen or heard of

    Of course, I don’t think it was extra-terrestrial, I just have no idea what it was

  6. One time in 1998, I was working late clearing out debris from this very old house in Massachusetts. It had been involved in a floor collapse, killing two children and a babysitter. I had gotten to job almost 2 hours later than the rest of the crew because I had to drive my brother to the airport, and so I decided to make the hours up.

    Was pulling down heaps of plaster, cutting the long shards from the edges where the top floor smashed through the second and landed on the bottom. When you looked up, it was dark, and you could see a small portion of all the rooms above you. It was 7pm and the sun was going down, making it harder to really make out all the shapes on the upper floors and you can’t help but keep looking up because you’re worried lumber or plaster, or junk will fall on you with every disturbance you add to the surrounding structure.

    I got into a rhythm bagging and tossing the lighter stuff to the side near the front door to put in the dumpster in the morning. I had my headphones in listening to the radio but not too loudly. I popped on my battery-powered lamp, which was so bright it sort of half drowned out the immediate surrounding area but helped illuminate a small portion of the upper floors, and I started to just feel really uneasy but I’m not really sure why.

    I’ll never forget, “Junkhead” was playing by Alice in chains, and just as I reached down to grab my gallon jug of warm shitty water, something landed on me and scared the absolute ever-living daylights out of me.

    The kind of fear that straight HURTS your heart and I fell right on my ass in a blind panic, dropped my shovel, and I couldn’t see anything and thought something huge and damp landed on me like a huge wad of bed sheets or something.

    I frantically started trying to pull it all off me so I could get out from under it, and as I was doing that, I felt like I was being kicked, punched, and slapped by multiple people and it was TERRIFYING, I could even hear them snickering or whispering just barely but at the same time and in the back of my head; I started noticing it really didnt hurt that bad and I wasnt sure if it was because of my adrenaline, or because there just wasnt a lot of power.

    I started to kind of “come to” for lack of a better term, and started thinking my coworkers had come back to fuck with me and began desperately yanking these sheets off me. When I finally got them off, I couldn’t see shit because my fucking lamp was out and I could hear someone deliberately breathing heavily on the floor directly above me, hard and fast not unlike someone who is about to snap and scream at you.

    At this point, my knees were weak, and I was pretty much paralyzed, looking up into the darkness because I realized there was no way up there at all for anyone but the original construction crew that helped make it secure months before, and they had removed all the scaffolding and ladder.

    Now I was in full-blown panic, I went to turn around and run, and just as I went to take the first step to open the door, get on that floor, everybody walk that dinosaur. This is a true story based on true events.

  7. Q. “Is this house haunted?”A. “We’re witches, of course it’s haunted.”Diana Bishop in A Discovery of Witches.

    I practice lots of “paranormal” stuff, but we like to think of it as using and interacting with natural energies.


  8. One time when I was in my kitchen washing the dishes I heard what sounded like someone screaming behind me. I turned around and of course nobody was there since I was the only one awake and the only one downstairs.


    I don’t actually think it was a ghost or anything since it was 5am and I was TIRED, it must’ve been some other shit. Still paranormal to me kinda since I couldn’t come up with a reasonable explanation for what made the noise.

  9. Taking a crap at work today and I KNEW I was the only one in the bathroom and the stall next to me opened. Our office is haunted, (built over top of a old cemetery) many employees and others in the building have reported strange happenings.

  10. My old house was haunted by a grandma spirit.

    It was built in the 1930s by a married couple, and they lived there for almost 70 years. Then their son lived there after they died, and I eventually rented it from him. My family was the first to live there that wasn’t related to them in almost 90 years.

    Weird things happened almost immediately. The windows had the old rotating latches that wedge themselves into the bracket, they would lock and unlock themselves. We would get random whiffs of cigarette smoke followed by perfume in the bathroom. I was showering one time, and the medicine cabinet mirror opened and shut itself. The kind that had magnets holding it closed, and makes an obvious sound/release when opened and shut. I thought my gf was brushing her teeth when it happened, but I was alone and the door was shut. Lots of other little things like someone walking around, with obvious footsteps starting and stopping. The kids were babies and would look up and smile and interact w things like someone was playing with them.

    The craziest thing that happened was witness by myself and my gf one night. We were sitting in the living room, I was on the floor, and she was on the couch behind me. The door to the laundry room was about 10 ft to our left. It opened about two feet, then closed and locked itself. We both heard it unlatch and immediately looked over. We watched the handle jiggle and rotate, and the door was pushed open. I thought someone was breaking in and jumped up. The door swung open, then closed and latched before I got to it. I ripped it open expecting to see someone standing there, and there was no one. There’s a door to the garage on the other side of the laundry and I ran out and checked everything. All the doors were locked from the inside. I went back inside and told her there’s no one here… and we were both in shock.

    Other little things happened too

  11. No never, not even close. Been to haunted places. Work in a morgue. Hospital. Military. Zero paranormal activity. Absolutely every time somebody i know says they had experienced it, one look at the situation analytically found what it was

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