Some context: We’re both High schoolers, I’m a Junior and I think he’s a senior. I see him in the halls a lot and in the library at lunch but he’s always on his phone/wearing earbuds so I have no idea how to approach him. We don’t share any classes, but he looks like a kind of interesting person imo despite also appearing very introverted. I’ve been thinking for days now how to make a connection in a not-annoying way but idk. Any advice would be appreciated! 🙂

  1. LITERALLY, GO AND TALK TO HIM. I know its easier said than done, but seriously. Guys would rather have girls talk to them than themselves talking to girls. Like it would be a GOD SEND for you to talk to him. Like literally be like ,”what yah listening to” or something. Just look interested

  2. First off jus based off the fact that’s he’s a senior and ur a junior he might not want to talk to you in any romantic way that’s just the reality. Secondly if you walk up to him to talk nothing bad will happen and if it does that’s on him there’s nothing wrong with walking up to someone to talk to them just don’t seem to overly eager you may come off as des

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