When making a cup of coffee(Gold). My mother insists it’s the same when you pour the hot water first then add the milk rather than mixing the coffee with a little milk before adding the hot water.

I insist it burns the coffee when you add boiling water without letting it dissolve in some milk first.

I should also mention she only drinks tea but I can always tell when she makes me a coffee with boiling water first.

I want to know what is your preference in the matter?

Wow this post must of triggered some of the cofficionados out there, no I’m not a animal and put milk in first when making tea.

  1. Coffee – milk first. Although it doesn’t actually burn the granules, it can bring out a burnt taste due to the spraying process of refining the bean into granules during processing. Milk first tastes smoother and creamier.

    Tea – milk last. Milk cancels many of the beneficial effects of tea. I’ll let the tea bag sit and brew temporarily before adding a little milk in an attempt to reduce what is lost.

  2. It’ll be the boiling water that makes it burnt, don’t drink milk in coffee so cannot comment on if the ‘milk protects it’ but could prevent it by using just below boiling water.

    Similar to my Mokka Pot, leave it too long on the gas and the coffee tastes burnt.

    Save the boiling water for eggs 🥚

  3. I used to be one of those insufferable coffee snobs who’ll come out of the woodwork to belittle your choices about drinking perfectly fine Gold Blend instant coffee.

    Then I grew up! If you like Gold Blend, you drink it. I do!

    I’m a big fan of adding milk first and mixing enthusiastically into a paste, it does indeed seem to give a smoother flavour.

    Enjoy it how you enjoy it!

  4. I’ve always just added all the water to the coffee then added the milk at the end and I’ve honestly never seen anyone do it differently.

    As for the coffee snobs, I love fresh coffee. I’ve got a fancy machine, grind beans etc but I still enjoy instant coffee. I don’t see it as a worse version of the same drink. It’s a different drink.

  5. Instant coffee it doesn’t really matter, it shouldn’t be such hot water than it scorches it anyway. Leave it off the boil for a little bit. Milk after tends to be the norm as people can judge the colour of it a bit better, with tea it is better brewed hot so boiling water should go in first.

  6. Coffee is already burnt (roasted). Milk isn’t, so you are more likely to effect a change by adding boiling water to milk than to coffee.

    If you’re concerned (albeit needlessly), just wait a second or two for the water to go off the boil before you add it.

  7. Should never use scalding water on coffee. Adding the milk avoids this.

    I have a kettle with an 85 Deg button which is perfect for coffee. Says energy too.

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