When you made it a conscious effort to lay off your phone did life get better for you?

  1. Nope. Nothing really changed for me except some friends and family got annoyed that they couldn’t reach me as easily.

  2. No. You ever “ignore” calls/texts from a wife? Good god that outweighed every possible positive

  3. main thing for me is not being on my phone for a few hours before bed or first thing. being conscientious about that has made a noticeable difference.

  4. I do this every Easter during Lent. An entire month where I’m not allowed to check any news sites or anything serious (I have a list). I even warn friends not to tell me the news headlines or ask me about any of that crap. They’re used to it now.

    The result is my blood pressure drops, I feel more optimistic about my fellow man, and I stop caring about the things that supposedly divide us- most of which are myths based on media focus. The overwhelming majority of all people in this life are *good*.

    It also sparks me to read more rewarding stuff and catch up on rewarding hobbies.

    I highly recommend it.

  5. Yes. I deleted my social media around four years ago and only really kept in contact with close friends and family through text and messaging apps. It was hard at first as social media is an addiction, but after… I found myself less stressed. Less drama.

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