

  1. Military. I watched my mum be a military wife for 15 or so years, and it looked like it fucking sucked. Being told at short notice to just pack up your whole life and move halfway across the country? Nah.

  2. – CEO

    – Military

    – Cops

    – Life coach (I mean c’mon)

    – Right wing politician

    – Basically any profession where they get rich by exploiting the working class

    – Hell, I’d avoid dating someone rich regardless

  3. I’m married, so idk if my opinion is relevant, but if I were dating I’d avoid men in:

    -Finance (Wall Street types)




  4. Politician. But I’d be willing to date anyone in any field like cops, paramedics etc. I’m married though do idk if my opinion counts lol

  5. military, crypto bros, anyone involved in clubs / sex work, djs, bartenders, promoters…. the list really goes on and on lol.

  6. An executive for big tobacco, gambling or anything else that makes money out of something that harms people/the world and does not appear to have any redeeming qualities.

  7. Veterinarians, politicians, male sex workers, MLM peeps and like tobacco / gambling professionals

  8. Married as well, but these are the professions I avoided back when I was dating and would continue to avoid if single:

    * Police or military
    * Heavy physical labour
    * Sex work
    * Doctor, lawyer, i-banker
    * Politics beyond a local/municipal level
    * Early stage startup founder
    * Menial labour if it’s a long-term thing
    * Anything related to woo-woo stuff (e.g., a homeopath)
    * Anything scammy (e.g., MLMs, NFTs, etc.)
    * Anything in the nightclub and/or gambling industries
    * Comic (most people in the performing industries, actually)
    * Pilot or cabin crew
    * Cook or chef (most jobs in the restaurant industry more generally, really)

    I think that about covers the bulk of it, although there are undoubtedly more that just don’t spring to mind at the moment.

  9. Politicians. I am content in my life of obsolescence and would hate the life of a politician’s wife.

  10. Military (can’t deal with the lifestyle)

    Doctor (my whole family is doctors and it’s a lifestyle thing as well)

    Sales (I worked with sales people for years and I don’t mesh with the kind of personality that attracts. Also, way too many married sales guys hit on me and it left a bad taste in my mouth)

    Sex work (that’s cheating)

    Musician (lifestyle mismatch)

    Predatory law professions like patent trolling

    Upper level position in an unethical company

    Also, I highly value academic education. I love reading and writing, going to public educational lectures taking random classes for fun. If someone didn’t go to university, we probably won’t have that in common.

  11. Anything in law enforcement.

    At entry level it attracts wanna-be heroes and people who abuse authority, at higher levels they have no time for a regular life and have a lot of NDA clauses.

    To be clear, I’m not a 9-5 person, and have worked in restaurant management for many years, I understand long hours, late nights, and being on call when things are dire… but it’s still something I can walk away from for a weekend, if I need to, or pick up in a new town without too much flack. I can do this without jeopardizing a team, investigation, or career. I can walk away and not worry I will be locked out of a “club”.

    Someone in an LEO career is always in a difficult position, and it’s a lot of stress I can’t pile on top of an already stressful life.

  12. Cops

    right wing politicians

    folks who got rich exploiting people

    People in the military career path and not just serving

    Nightclub promoters – OK with other positions but they tend to be a type mentality.

    Day Traders, Portfolio Managers, Bankers

    Any dude with a Podcast

  13. If my partner had a 9-5 when we met, I would’ve been extremely put off, but that’s because I do shift work.

    If he worked in the same industry as me (vetmed) I’d be put off because complaining about work would turn into advice/ professional development. My partner wrote me a note that said “save them doggies” and that sums up what he really comprehends about my job

  14. Drug dealers and cops. Two sides (sometimes) of the same coin. I speak from experience.

  15. Police, clergy/anything related to religion, whatever the fuck people like Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder do for money. Grifting?

  16. Cops and law enforcement (excluding military). I couldn’t do it! Too much trauma. My mom was a correctional officer for 20 years and they were all fucking pigs! One of my life’s regrets is not calling the police when she had me go to an event with one of her coworkers and he refused to bring me back to my car and let me go home.

  17. Cops. If they get violent or stalky you’ve got no chance of being believed. Highly likely to be racist. Learned all of this the hard way.

  18. Anything in the sex/adult entertainment industry

    Someone who owned a really unethical business (working for one can be OK, sometimes it’s the only job you can get)

    I would be hesitant to date a soldier

    Something religious

    And obviously anything illegal, that goes without saying

  19. Assuming they’re not involved in an mlm or another form of scam, there isn’t a profession I wouldn’t date. I’d give any profession a chance because it depends on the other qualities of the individual rather than the job they have.

  20. Pimp, porno, drug dealer, cop, mortician, telemarketer, politicians, defense attorneys, dentists…

  21. Having been looked down upon for my own profession, I could never do this to someone else. What I need is an intellectual connection, so whatever career doesn’t match that need wouldn’t be what I go for, that’s it.

  22. Any profession that would require long periods of separation. My dad worked as a welder on ships and he was gone for months (4 months abroad, 2 months home), which put huge strains on his relationship with my mom. I definitely don’t want to have the same experience.

    So i would rule out anything that damands long periods of time away from home, like any job on a ship, construction (if the jobs aren’t in our country), military etc.

    Oh, and priests. And if i’m honest, i don’t think i could handle porn, escort related jobs either.

  23. Anyone involved in any sort of MLM (not that I count that as a profession). I hate the whole mindset, brainwashed cultish, emoji using, preying on the overweight or new mothers. The whole thing gives me the ick.

    Other professions I’d avoid are: politicians, teachers, anyone in a religious role and taxi drivers.

  24. Cops- been there and have the scars

    IT people – the extreme computer and technology obsessed ones.

    Real Estate

    Property Developers

  25. I could never date (a long list of specific professions but more over) anyone who identifies as their profession. Like, how you make your money is literally the least interesting aspect about anyones personallity and please tell me as little as possible about it.

  26. Any one that requires him to put his life in danger, or travel too much. I need my person to be physically present.

  27. Lawyer- I’ve been a paralegal for years and they’re just not for me.

    Also, I’m married and my husband would really frown on me dating anyone.

  28. People who have to work long longgg hours like doctors. Or any profession that involves them frequently travelling overseas. Very honourable jobs, but I’m touch starved and crave physical affection from partners lol.

  29. Cops

    Anyone in any branch of the military

    Doctors & plastic surgeons

    Politicians of any kind

    Sex workers

    Anyone who calls themselves a youtuber or influencer or otherwise thinks they’re famous because internet

    Actual famous people–maybe I’d be okay with a writer, but actors and musicians and athletes are a big no frim me

    Meat Industry

    Absolutely anyone whose profession is based in religion

  30. I’m a paramedic so I’d only date someone who works with similar situations so I can talk about issues at work with them. Someone like healthcare worker, social workers, another medic, firefighter, etc.

    I wouldn’t date a cop or someone in the military though.

  31. Well for some reason I’ve dated multiple chemical engineers and they all were assholes so I’m gonna go with chemical engineer.

  32. A bit of a controversial one but: Social Worker.

    I basically run an organization for social workers, and I couldn’t date someone in my line of work. Burnout is so real. A lot of people get into it and their motivations are unsustainable (wanting to change the world, fixing all the problems, burning it all down), and it crushes them. I’ve seen some of my best colleagues quit for private sector jobs. I’ve had my most experienced supervisors ask for demotions. The level of support that I need at home couldn’t be given to me by someone in my line of work, and so I just don’t think it would work out longterm.

  33. A plastic surgeon. One I had a date with kept mentioning all the ways he could fix/improve my body. The other one I dated was polite enough to not mention it outright, but I could tell he was thinking it by the way he would stare too long at my physical “flaws”.

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