What age was your happiest (thus far) and why?

  1. happiest now. in my late 30s. probably going to keep getting happier.

    happy because i’m no longer wasting my life trying to make other people happy. i make myself happy, and screw everyone else who keeps telling me how shitty i am for not giving them my money.

  2. Now at 33- I have a partner, reside in a low cost of living area and feel like we have a shot at building wealth for the first time in our lives.

    I’ve climbed many mountains (literally), traveled a lot, lived in some cool regions but none of that can make up for a solid daily routine a sense of stability

  3. Probably now. Mabybe it’s because I’m running out of fucks to give but I’m just simply better at being happy than ever before

  4. 16-17. Didn’t have money at the time but I get to see my friends everyday. Didn’t have to worry about applying for college too.

  5. probably 21. physical peak, sexual peak, few responsibilities, traveled a lot, met a lot of people.

  6. It was June 21st, 2003. I was walking across town, near my highschool, and was passing by the skate park. There was a few guys around my age in the halfpipe messing around.

    Mike was there, too. Mike was a bully, and picked on me all through elementary school. I didnt see him much these days, but when I did he was still the same.

    Mike saw me, and decided to come over to participate in one of his favorite passtimes. He dropped off the lip of a quarterpipe, but he was too focused on me to pay attention to his surroundings. He didnt notice his friend wipe out an instant before.

    When Mike levelled out from the drop, his friend’s board had travelled at just the correct trajectory to intercept Mike’s advance. Mike went ass over teakettle, landed on his face, and did a full scorpion before tumbling to a stop. He didnt move from that spot until the paramedics collected him. Mike was too cool to wear a helmet.

    It was the funniest shit I had ever seen in my life. I havent felt true happiness since.

    Disclaimer: this story is not real. I made it up because im bored at work with nothing to do.

  7. I guess 18. I did pretty well in high school and it felt like the sky was the limit.

    Then I flopped in college and am still paying for those mistakes, so that is getting to me every day.

  8. Probably 11 or 12. Was becoming more social and really enjoyed seeing the progress I made.

  9. Ages 16-18 because I was home after being in boarding school from the age of 5. Security, love, attention provided by my grandparents in those two years has made me face worst of times in my life.

    Ages 21-23 because I found a group of friends who got me back on track with my studies in school.

    Ages 31-33 because my life took a new direction for the better in a new environment, new place, people, everything! And I had a hot gf during this time who was extremely sexually-compatible with me.

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