Don’t be disgusted by me .. but why is it possible for me to queef on command, I’ve never had intercourse but I learned this hidden talent while I was holding my body in the air while laying on my back. Ever since then… I just randomly do it … like I just do it because I know how to. BUT THEN SOMETIMES IT JUST RANDOMLY HAPPENS IDK. I just need to know is queefing good or bad… like could constantly doing it mean harm ?? When I looked up why I couldn’t stop … google told me I was “loose”, then another source said I was “tight”… I just need to know what’s up.

  1. It does no harm, it’s just air going up your vagina and coming back out. It happens during the sex most of the time but I don’t think it’s a big deal either way.

  2. Queef Queen lol jk.

    It’s just air going in and out. I used to do it a lot when I was younger then it just stopped. Now only certain positions during sex make me do it. Nothing to worry about.

  3. Disgusted? This is a super power lol. Must be fun

    And I don’t think it’s “tight” or “loose”, you may just have pretty good control of your muscles down there, which is good

  4. Call Howard Stern, he’ll help you figure it all out.. lol just kidding … no harm.. enjoy your talents. I do it but they call it farting.. lol

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