Hi! I’m extremely new to Reddit and I’m not even sure if I’m supposed to ask something like this here, if I’m not I’m sorry 🙂
I was just wondering if Reddit was a place where you actually can make friends or something like that
Like have some of you made some friends on Reddit and now you see or text each other?
Let me know! Thanks 🙂

  1. I have been on the app for few months and I still have the same question lol

    You got Nice your username!

  2. Honestly I’ll be the one to go against the grain and say that online friends will not completely fulfill a humans need for social interaction.

    It’s a great stepping stone for some but really, it can become a trap that limits your ability to interact in person.

    try to get out and engage with like minded individuals that you can spend time with doing things in real life. It might not end well but hey, being open to experience new things and especially failure can be the greatest teacher in life.

    as long as you keep your head up, things will often get better sooner than one would expect.

  3. Yep, you can definitely make friends on here! You could try r/makenewfriendshere ( I’ve made a couple there ). In any case, just beware of creeps and nuisances.

  4. I haven’t really made any friends (haven’t tried honestly) but it’s a good place to find communities you may fit into. Plus it’s anonymous, which is the best thing it has going for it.

  5. Hi! I downloaded Reddit in like 2019 I believe & was lost too at first lol but I’ve gotten the hang of it. I really enjoy this app because 1) it’s anonymous and 2) you can find whatever you like/interested in in this app. I just type like “home decor” in the search bar and I’ll get a bunch of suggested communities to follow. It’s fun! I ignore the ugly side of Reddit, but like you mentioned in a comment, it’s the internet lol have fun!

  6. I would love to make a friend on her, i speaked with a couple of people but it never really worked sadly !

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