My partner and I have been together for 4 years. Before this, we were pretty great together albeit some communication issues we’ve mostly sorted. But these last few months have been so rough. About three months ago I was laid off from my job. The first three days I was in shock and was really depressed. I was looking for jobs but not really applying. I kept hemming and hawing between staying positive and crying. The first few weeks were the toughest for us. The first week of me not going into work my partner ripped into me. They were super harsh and kept saying things like I was lazy, i’m not hustling enough, I have no real skills, etc and I accused them of being unsupportive. They later apologized and said they were just stressed and promised to be more supportive. Just for added info, my partner makes 85k/year plus bonuses. They will be making over 90k this year, which I’m very proud of them for working so hard. They’re not paying for any of my personal bills I.e. phone, car, etc, or groceries as I pay that with the unemployment I receive, but they are paying for everything else I.e. mortgage, water, utilities, etc, which after all is said and done comes out to about $2200/month. I know it’s expensive for one person to pay and I think about it pretty much all the time. After the first week of unemployment, I was actively applying. Sending out 5+ resumes a day, carefully tailoring each resume to each job. I even paid (and still do) for jobscan to help me get past ATS systems. After a few weeks of hearing nothing, I started driving Uber/Lyft. Then I started doing paid surveys and things like that just to make an extra something. Two more weeks later, my uncle took pity on me and has allowed me to do some side jobs with him for cash. The third week of unemployment, my partner ripped into me again. Saying the same things they previously said but also added I should have found a job by now. I’m not the best, but I’m pretty self-motivated. I apply for hours everyday, I do these stupid paid surveys that don’t pay shit, I work with my uncle when he needs me, I drive Lyft/Uber when I can, I’m trying to upskill any little skill I have so I can work on Fiver or something, and finally, to keep myself from having a mental breakdown, I’m training for a volleyball competition. Y’all, I’ve applied everywhere. I even started applying to entry level jobs like Starbucks, Trader Joe’s, Walmart, etc just so I can do something and make my partner happy. But those places aren’t even hiring me, which I suspect may be because I have too much experience (I have manager/director titles on my resume). My partner has been trying to be more supportive but everyday I wake up I can feel how disappointed they are in me. They don’t make as many comments anymore, but sometimes they’re so hostile and harsh towards me that I wonder if I deserve it. I feel like I’m doing everything I can but maybe I’m not doing enough. Has anyone been in a situation where they were supporting an unemployed partner? How did you react? I’m open to any and all kinds of feedback. Relationship and resume related.

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