Please help.
I’ve been dating this man for 2 months and we’re so comfortable with each other already. We eat out sometimes but then he said he doesn’t have money yet because their salary will be coming out after 3 months which I have also confirmed. Ive been paying for the dates but he said he’ll be paying for it when he has money.

I like this guy and I don’t wanna think negatively about him but paying for dates and other things seemed to be against my principles. I’m not saying that I dont like paying for dates, I just mean—“not all the time”

ps. He also used my credit card to buy a new phone, but he was paying for it regularly.

Please give me pieces of advice.

How would I also know his true intentions?

  1. My prediction is that this guy will ghost within the next 30 days. He is just using you for your money.

  2. Only two months and you’re letting him use your credit card to make a major purchase? Unwise. He might like you, but he definitely loves your money.

  3. Red flag on the play! First off if you aren’t comfortable paying for all of the dates.. stop going out on dates that require money. Number 2! I would never ever allow a guy I’ve been just “dating” to run up my credit card for a new phone, especially 2 months in. You really don’t know this person and you are trusting him with your finances already? You might as well go ahead and Venmo me money!

    You want to know his intentions? Stop paying for stuff and just spend time together. You’ll see someone’s real intentions with prolonged time being spent. Within the first 3 months of dating most people show their “representative”. You won’t know his intentions until you spend more time with him.

  4. No money yet? Thats a heaping pile of bullshit right there. Dude’s an asshole who uses people to be real. I would be brutally honest and say this to him that this is fucked up then bounce. Not worth wasting time and financial security off what i see as a lying sack of shit person. Time to get real.

  5. LEAVE. If he can’t afford to take you out then he shouldn’t be dating, further more he shouldn’t be dating you a woman with high standards. If all checks out, let him come back to you when he is in a position to do so.

  6. Here in our place, sometimes salary comes in after the first quarter of the year. The first 3 mos. would be lumpsum.

  7. No more pricey dates until his salary. Like $20 sandwiches and burgers. Or free dates, eg. trips to the beach, hiking, Netflix at home.

    If he steps up when he gets his salary, good. But don’t be surprised if he bounces when he finally gets paid.

  8. You let a guy use your credit card to buy a phone? Unless he is really young like not old enough to have any established credit this is a huge red flag as he can go to Verizon or any carrier really and get a phone. Either way it’s a huge red flag that he can’t even buy his own phone. He can get a prepaid phone for like $30 and his monthly bill would only be like $50. So either way he is old enough to have ruined his credit and he doesn’t even have a real job because nobody works for free. And working for a months before getting a salary is working for free. Seems like a scam honestly.

  9. Wait. Why does he needs to wait for his salary to pay for anything? Doesn’t he have some savings? If no, then why did he wanted to go out in the first place? Why did he wanted to go to places he can’t afford with his current financial situation?

    I’m not good with dating, but this doesn’t seem right. To me, it seems like he’s either terrible with money management or just out for your money.

  10. Girl if you want to be so generous let me hold somethin….

    If you want to date him while he gets this mystery salary take his ass to the park, for a walk.

  11. He shouldn’t be dating if he has no money. Sounds like he just wants you as his bank account.

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