Just kinda lookin for some outside opinions/insight on my situation to maybe help with my decision.
We’ve been friends since 4th grade when she moved next to me and hung out everyday until high school then it was like 2-3 times a week. Ive always kinda crushed on her but she dated my male best friend (from like 6th-8th grade) so me not being a pos i put my feelings aside and at that point it was more lust than love anyways.
So i moved in with her and her mom because my parents kicked me out and i was living in a rooming house in a poor area and she must have felt bad lol but thats when i really started thinking like i got real love for this girl like she looked out for me when i was at my lowest i feel like thats a rare quality to find.
So a few more points to help you understand
-shes probably an 8-10 to the average guy
-we had a few sexual tension situations for example when we were living together she dmd me on instagram a meme of a guy eating out a girl and said something like i need this but i had a gf at the time also in the car smoking one time she said shed suck my dick if i pulled it out but again i had that same gf lol
I also told her i loved her in high school when i was blackout from xans and alcohol and she asked me abut it the next day and i said i didnt remember lol

Things putting me off
– she has two kids the problem isnt helping financially or family wise its more just an outlier
-i dont want to ruin the friendship if things dont work out

If u wanna know anything else just ask lmk what you guys think please and thanks

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