I know that many people use the “it’s not you it’s me” or “I’m just not ready for a relationship” lines as an excuse to back out of a relationship and sleep around with other people, get back with exes, etc. but our breakup wasn’t like that at all. The reason she broke up with me is because she’s dealing with mental health issues and is not in the right headspace to be in a relationship. When we were dating though we had the most amazing connection, I felt loved and safe with her and she always told me she felt the same, and that I had treated her better than anyone else ever had.

I’m obviously crushed but told her I needed space to process things and would reach out to her when I’m ready. I’m currently trying to figure out if it’s worth reaching back out or not, given that we parted very amicably, and the only reason she broke up with me is simply just not being in the right state of mind to be in a relationship right now. I don’t want to disrespect myself and chase someone, but I feel like things could truly work if she takes that space for herself. I’m choosing not to date right now, but in the event I begin to again, I would want to give things another shot if she’s willing to also. I’ve never had the desire to get back with an ex before, but this one feels different.

tldr: my recent ex-girlfriend broke up with me because of not being in the right headspace for a relationship, and I’m trying to figure out if it’s worth considering getting back together in the future given the unique circumstances.

  1. You already know everything you need to, that she no long wants to be in a relationship with you. And you must accept that. Having hope that things might change is a waste of time and energy when you could be moving on.

  2. Revisit this question once you no longer have feelings for her. So take a GOOD chunk of time being broken up before you worry about reconnecting. Mental health isn’t fixed in a couple of months. I’d say take a year at least. Maybe by that time you won’t want to go back anymore or you’ll have found someone else. It makes no sense to keep hope alive all that time. Just live your life without her, give yourself time to heal from the breakup and see what happens once you think about it with a clear head

  3. It’s not for you to consider the future getting back together. She might never want to. Move forward as single not waiting. Have time to yourself if you need to but don’t wait on her. If your path come back together then you’ll see. But don’t live expecting to or having decided the path then

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