I(19M)was sleeping with my crush(19F)on my bed (we have slept together a couple of times without touching) but this time it was different she told me to hug her so I did and things were getting intense our nose was touching I wanted to kiss her so badly so I asked if I could and she said okay that’s when things started, we started kissing then I proceeded with touching her boobs and sucking them she loved it, before proceeding any further I asked her if we could have sex and she said if I want to I could without wasting any time I went grab a condom and that’s when things started, after having sex I told her that I liked her she said that she already knew that I liked her but she can’t go out with me cause she’s in a messy situation with her ex and had things to be done but she told me that she likes me too. I started questioning myself in my mind that am I not good enough? What are we? Friends for benefit? Why can’t she see that I’m the right one for her?
I don’t know what to do, I know that I’m not what she wants but I’m what she needs, I don’t know weather I should move on or wait.

Hope is killing me and hope is keeping me alive.

  1. So personally I won’t tell you if you should wait or leave. What I will say though is please try not to beat yourself up too much. The fact that she felt comfortable enough to sleep over multiple times, ask you to hug her, consent to kissing you and to sex AND she told you she likes you means she definitely sees something in you and feels comfortable with you. You should also be happy she is honest with you about her difficult situation with her ex because she wants to keep you in the loop and not deceive you.

    Sadly, life isn’t always black and white. I’m sure you’ve had different dilemmas in life before. We don’t know the nature of what she has going on with her ex, how long they were involved or what she is trying to sort out. You also are better off not being with someone who is still involved with their ex because that could cause a lot of opportunities for jealousy and heartache. I hope she sorts that situation out soon though. Good luck man!

  2. Stay FWB🤷🏻‍♂️ just don’t get in a fight with her ex. See where things go. Don’t get to attached(in general) because she still messing with her ex, your soul Will be crushed if she goes back to him or finds someone else. your young and many people will come and go in life. Don’t ever trick your self into thinking there’s only one person for you.

  3. You don’t get to decide that you’re the right one for her, she does. And you don’t get to say ” I’m not the one she wants but I’m the one she needs”. That’s a very toxic mindset and will only give you problems in life.

    Her situation is complicated. Maybe she hasn’t officially broken with her ex or she’s scared cause he was abusive. Don’t push her.

  4. Your relationship balance is not balanced. You are hunting her more than she hunts you.

    You will feel something is missing ( her hunting you) anyway and wont be satisfied. It is better not to hunt relationship AtM.

    Let her show interesent.

    If she does not show it she does not want it.

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