I went through a rough patch at 18 and for the next few years dated a lot of psychos. Unfortunately as a result I’ve developed tons of trust issues. Dating scares the crap out of me and I often come off as cold and distant. I hate myself for that. While I’m happy being single I don’t necessarily want to be. I’ve had so many dates with good guys and while I ended things for reasons other then my trust issues it still doesn’t take away from the fact that I get panicky and opening myself up to someone again scares the crap out of me. I don’t know what to do anymore (yes I am in therapy)

  1. Its really hard to know whether someone has good intentions about building a relationship with you vs wanting a fling/using you. While I don’t know the extent of your situation, trust issues and trauma can spill over other aspects of your life. Would you say you feel comfortable sharing about yourself with acquaintances or talking to strangers on a deeper level (of course if the in the right moment)? If not, you can practice giving others trust in low risk situations like sharing about your weekend or hobbies with people you know but aren’t super close to. This will help you build confidence in yourself and ability to manage your anxiety/fears when you start dating again.

    There’s lots of selfish and wounded lovers out there so healing yourself can help you find a healthy partner.

  2. Go to therapy. Don’t get into a serious relationship if you haven’t recovered fully. If you want to keep being used by guys and dealing with the pain then that’s on you. Wish you the best. 👍

  3. What about a love coach? My best friend loves her coach. It’s like Therapy but not lol. She does complimentary 1 hour sessions to see if she can help and that you’re a good fit. Let me know if you’d like her info.

  4. ‘the dating scene’ didnt do anything to you. you decided to date toxic people who damaged you. now you need to decide to make better decisions. dont blame ‘the scene’ for your choices. have some standards and boundaries

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