Hey so I’ve\[m29\] recently got together with a girl\[f25\] everything’s been perfect we have been dating over a month and a half and decided to get into a relationship. We arranged to meet today been talking about it all day, she got home and I’ve just got finished getting ready to go see her and now shes apologised saying shes having a really bad day having a breakdown and needs to cancel. I understand this can happen but not sure if its a bad sign. I do know shes legitimately having a bad day so personally be fine with it but if it happens again then go from there?

I asked her whats up but no reply, might just tell her to take some space and let me know when shes ok.

Just feel a bit gutted that I’ve put all this effort into getting ready lol..

**\*\*TL;DR;** : New girlfriend cancelled because she’s upset and having a bad day right last minute. Said she’s crying etc.

  1. It sucks but if she’s never cancelled last second on you then I’d give her the benefit of the doubt on this.

  2. You’re in a brand new relationship with new relationship energy. That’s the sort of thing that usually cheers someone up after a bad day. It could be a million different things, but I think there’s more than just a “bad day” here. If she cancels your next meeting at the last minute too, be prepared to walk away.

  3. You can’t know if it’s a problem or pattern, until you know.

    I generally think it’s a good sign when someone can ask clearly and directly for what they need.

    I’d extend her the benefit of the doubt right now and be glad she can be honest. As you get to know each other better, you can express your willingness to be *with her*, even if she is not at her best, but at just a few weeks in I can understand why she might rather be alone right now.

  4. Everyone has bad days. I’d completely understand and be patient for when she’s feeling better. But it’s another story if she’s canceling anytime you try to make plans.

  5. Feels like you’re overthinking things here. Sucks but it’s not a habit so unless it becomes a habit don’t put too much thought into it.

  6. You seem to be concerned with a what if.

    You are too new in the relationship to expect to be her rock so to speak. So chill out, chaulk this one up to bad luck. Call her tomorrow and tell her you care and hope she is better. Don’t let what if scenarios build negative biases in your mind.

  7. Independent people tend to self soothe alone better. It takes time to build a space where they want you to comfort them. Be patient and understanding. If she says it is t about you, trust it.

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