First off I’ll start by saying im a young guy in my early 20s. I really want to make new friends this year and im trying in multiple ways, but I feel the gym could be a great opportunity that im missing out on.

I see a lot of guys there around my age and they look cool. Sometimes I’ll notice they’ll be wearing clothes that are from my favorite tv shows or music. I wanna say hi, but to be honest im usually too intimidated because im gay and I don’t want them to think im hitting on them or interrupting their workout. Im also fairly new to the gym and I don’t know if it would be against gym culture to try and make friends there.

So I’ll usually just keep to myself wishing I had the courage to take the risk and talk to one of these guys. If anyone has any advice I’d really appreciate it.

  1. Hey, you can communicate with the gym assistants and compliment others, or ask for help with techniques. Be confident in who you are 🙂

  2. I can tell you that the best time to catch someone is in between sets, and don’t bother talking to people with headphones on. You can just casually say something about their shirt like “hey I like that show too”

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