What made you end an relationship?

  1. Different priorities. It’s the worst when there’s still strong feelings for each other.

  2. We had literally the perfect day. Like, as good a day as we were ever gonna have.

    And I realized laying in bed next to her, I wasn’t happy. And if I wasn’t happy in that moment I was never gonna be happy.

  3. The only “girlfriend” I had was from the age of 6 until I was 11. I ended it indirectly (in a very cringe way looking back at it) cause I fell for a girl from my class who, as it turned out would become my major Teenie crush

  4. I met my wife. I never cheated but I had been in enough relationships to realize when the “real thing” happened and so I broke it off with her and pursued the other woman. And 23 years later we’re happily married and still like each other so I guess I made the right decision.

  5. Due to some stuff in her personal history I wasn’t made aware of until late into our relationship, she lost all interest in having sex. I’m not someone who maintains romantic interest in people I’m not having sex with, so breaking up was the only choice.

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