My husband (M24) And I (N22) have gotten into a terrible sexual experience. me and him were in the mood so we started to do our thing and he stuck it in me. But then I told him to stop as I just was not in the mood.But then he just kept going he finally finished after a while then I just broke down. I could not take it. we are just married the thing is im pregnant. he got me pregnant from basically r!peing me. we only have been together for a few months and I already want a divorce im a non binary person I was supposed to get top surgery but now thats probably not gonna happen. Abortions are illegal where I am idk what do im young and now I feel my life is done.

  1. I’m sorry but woah , you either got married too soon or completely ignored all the red flags.

    Get out, period. If you’ve been raped twice now it’s not getting better.

    Don’t pass go, don’t collect 200$ , gather evidence and find an attorney.

  2. Can you safely get out quickly, before the pregnancy advances too far to have a procedure in another state/country?

    If not, then the plan is to save money in the least detectable way possible, keep the most important things for travel and leaving purposes (ID, a change of clothes, car keys and ownership papers if that’s a thing you have going on, etc.) in a place you can get to them easily and without excess delay, and start laying a plan to get away. You can figure out who gets therapy for what after you’re not forced to share space with someone who won’t listen to “no” from a sex partner.

  3. Hard to advice since we don’t know where you are. But a lot of states or countries have no time limits for abortions, especially in case of rape. You can try traveling there. ( If you search online, make sure to delete your history)
    Check for battered women’s center or sex assault victim center. Call when he’s away and they should be able to advice you. ( If you’re in a country with very low women rights like Kuwait though be careful of their centers, they abuse the victims and contact the aggressor)

    For something like this, be really careful. Lots of abusers turn violent when someone tries to leave. And being pregnant with an abuser is really dangerous. Some end up killing the women because they don’t want children and others kill the women if she’ll want an abortion because they want children.

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