21F here, minimal dating experience. Just wanted to get this off my chest here because I am very confused, and I think I’m probably overthinking it.

So some context here, I’m currently a uni student in their final year and in my first year I met this guy, let’s call him X. So X and I have been good friends for some time now and we always have good chats with each other throughout uni. And I think I caught feels for him in second year as we were once quite close with each other, but then the pandemic hit and we kinda grew apart. Now that classes are back to in-person, we’ve started to talk more and be in the same classes and we picked up where we left off instantly.

I would say my feelings for X wasn’t as strong as before because I knew he got in a relationship (let’s call her Y) during the pandemic. So I felt pretty normal to move on as I don’t think it is worth my time waiting around. But all of a sudden, X started initiating these one-on-one hang outs with me, like grabbing food or drinks (which we never did before). I thought it was strange because I knew X has a relationship already, but X only brings up Y in convos seldomly. X also never posts public stuff about him and Y, but X is a lowkey person, so it didn’t seem strange to me at first.

However, here is where I am confused. Why does X want to hang out one-on-one with me? Is there something more to it? Or is it pure platonic and I’m just overthinking stuff here? Would appreciate some pointers and advice here 🙂

1 comment
  1. Just remember that because you have feelings for him, platonic actions can be warped into seeming like intentional flirting, because you wish it was. I’m not saying it’s not, I’m just saying be careful. Only you really know what’s going on, and what their vibe is.

    Sounds like he’s pretty sneaky tho, behind his gf’s back. Which is a bad sign (for Y) but a good sign for you I guess.

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