i had been with him for like a month. him and i agreed on no friends of the opposite sex because i have a very anxious attachment style. him and i called 24/7 and he ended up chilling with one of his female friends at a party (nonsexual), so I thought it was ok to talk to my guy friends. reminder that my guy friends are online, discord, gaming friends while he has done stuff with most of his girl friends. we got into an argument and he said we were breaking up if i didn’t give him my passwords and stuff bc he found out i talked to one of my guy friends. we broke up and i usually have my little sleeping session with someone i barely know to get over it. i still want him back and feel guilty for doing that because i know I’d lose my mind if he did, even if we are broken up. he’s still asking for passwords for us to get back together, but he isn’t wlling to give me his. my family doesn’t like him and my friends don’t really either, but that’s because they think he’s lied about his profession but that’s a whole other story. ive been through breakups but this is the relationship i plan to keep forever. (ik a month isn’t long but when you’re otp LITERALLY 24/7, it’s close enough to like 4 months) what do I do? if he sees i texted anyone then there’s no chance of us. it was while we have been broken up but still. help?

  1. Why do you want to get back together with him, exactly? This doesn’t sound like a healthy relationship for either of you.

  2. No, you don’t want to get back with your toxic ex you had been with for like a month. You barely know this guy, and the stuff you do know is ugly. You’re only 18. You’ll meet better men.

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